Lexington Oaks Security Patrol (LOSP)
The mission of the Lexington Oaks Security Patrol is to provide Lexington Oaks residents with a safe environment and to improve the overall quality of the community through education and community awareness by identifying and reporting suspicious behavior. Security patrols have proven to deter criminal activity, keeping neighborhoods and residents safe, as well as helping to protect property value. Combined with the state of the art security camera system and paid supplemental Pasco County Sheriff patrols paid for by the Community Development District (CDD), Lexington Oaks has traditionally been one of the safest communities in Pasco County.
The LOSP is an all-volunteer organization that was originally established in June 2005. Membership numbers naturally fluctuate, but many great volunteers are now serving or have previously served this important community function. All that is asked from volunteers is that members give at least 4 hours of time a month, which consists of patrolling every other week. The organization maintains a security patrol vehicle that was generously donated by Wesley Chapel Hyundai and alleviates the use of any private vehicles.
The LOSP is strictly "Observe and Report" while on patrol. The LOSP does not intervene or confront anyone engaging in any illegal/criminal activity. If such activity is suspected or actually occurring, it is reported directly to the 911 operator or to the Pasco County Sheriff’s non-emergency phone number. LOSP volunteers always patrol in pairs, driver and observer. It usually takes about 2 hours to patrol through the entire community. Volunteers can pick the days and times to patrol, as long as there are 2 persons in the vehicle. All training is provided by members of the LOSP.
Other community activities involving the LOSP are the local National Night Out, America’s Night Out Against Crime, and the annual Lexington Oaks Santa Christmas Parade and both activities are hosted and sponsored by the LOSP. Monthly organizational meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Lexington Oaks Community Center building.
The LOSP is a non-profit, 501(c)(4), tax deductible organization. If residents are unable to actively participate as a driver or observer, donations are greatly appreciated. Checks (made payable to the Lexington Oaks Security Patrol) may be dropped off at the Community Center office during normal business hours. Donations are used strictly for the operational costs of the organization, which include gas, insurance, vehicle maintenance, shirts and other costs.
If you would like to be a volunteer, or if you have any questions, please attend one of our monthly meetings or you can contact Mel Wolff at wolffmel@yahoo.com.
Website Disclaimer
The Lexington Oaks website is funded and maintained exclusively by the Lexington Oaks Master Homeowners Association (HOA) for the purposes of communicating important information about our community with current and potential future residents. While our website does provide basic information regarding other private community civic and private organizations, please note that this is not an endorsement of their mission, policies or opinions. We recognize that these community organizations are well integrated into the fabric of Lexington Oaks and that residents, both current and future, are better served by being informed about what function(s) they perform.