Lexington Oaks Community Development District (CDD) is a governmental entity that was created to serve the long-term specific needs of our community. Created pursuant to
Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes, a CDD’s main purpose is to plan, finance, construct, operate and maintain community-wide infrastructure and services specifically for the benefit of its residents. Unlike an HOA that relies heavily on the memberships ability and willingness to pay their dues, the CDD collects assessments through your Pasco County tax bill, insuring that the district will receive the assessed funds and always be able to properly operate the district and pay it's bills. It is the CDD's responsibility to maintain the common areas. That includes the pool, clubhouse, fitness center; volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, district ponds, district property, landscaping and maintenance for all district areas. Additionally, the CDD is responsible for repayment of any bonds issued by the developer used to pay for the community's initial infrastructure.
Master Homeowners Association insures that individual property owners maintain their individual properties to a set of standards that are codified by a set of governing documents that are in compliance with
Florida Statute 720 and finally, approved by the voting membership. The HOA Board of Directors employs a management company to run the day to day operations which include preparing budgets and maintaining financial records, overseeing annual dues assessments and collections, administering covenant enforcement, communicating with residents, holding required meetings, and other functions required by the Board in conjunction with Florida Statutes and the governing documents.